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Letter from Robert page Head Teacher

18th September 2020

Dear Parents/Carers


As much as we have enjoyed the hot weather this week, our pupils learning suffers as the classrooms become very hot which makes pupils more tired and irritable.  We are slowly getting back into the routines of a normal school day but we are still making tweaks to ensure all runs smoothly.


The morning drop off and afternoon collection of pupils is now working well as all understand the system, thank you for your support.  If you are coming up to school l would request if you are driving/coming in a taxi to please remain in your car and not get out, as we do wish to minimise the contact as much as possible between households.  If you are walking, please leave your child in the queue and depart following the one-way system.


A reminder that mobile phones are not allowed at school, although pupils are fine bringing them to use on transport and then handing them in each morning, with collection at the end of the day.  We will be checking that pupils are following the school rules. If pupils are found with phones in school, they will be confiscated and parents/carers will need to come and collect them.


It has been good to see that the majority of pupils are looking smart in school uniform.  There has been some confusion about PE kits.  In light of COVID guidance, we are not using the changing rooms, so on the days your child has PE they are okay to come in to school in their PE kit. On other days we expect pupils to be in proper uniform.  If you are not sure which day your child has PE please liaise with teachers. 


Hot meals will be served every day starting Monday.  A menu is on the school website if you wish to see what delicious meals Liz and the catering team are serving.


Our curriculum continues to focus primarily on Nurture and PSHE to support the pupils to adapt and settle back into learning. Also, your child is being baselined across all subjects so that targets can be set for the remainder of the year and we can start to measure progress.


I am very happy to report that we have not had any confirmed cases of COVID but we do have a number of coughs and colds in school – please consider if they are well enough to be in school.  You do not need to arrange a COVID test if your child has a cold, tests should only be booked if they have one of the following symptoms – a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss or change to their sense of taste or smell.  Last week in Thanet, there were five confirmed cases according to government figures so we remain fairly safe, so please continue to follow guidelines for social distancing and hygiene. We have added an Information for Parents and Carers leaflet to the school website.





A reminder that Monday 5th October is the next training day for school staff so pupils are not in.


If you are interested in becoming a parent governor you still have a week to express your interest, please contact me if you would like more information about the role.


Have a lovely weekend.


Yours sincerely



Robert Page
